Social and emotional learning starts at home. Parents and families are critical partners in helping their children develop social and emotional know-how. They can model the kinds of skills, attitudes, and behaviors we want all students to master. And they can be important advocates for SEL at school.

Dr. Johns Corner
Welcome to Dr. John's Corner. Here you will find videos and resources to help introduce SEL into your home.

Dr. John Irvine is one of Australia’s most renowned child psychologists. He is the author of two WorryWoo Companion Books, Helping Young Children Manage Frustration and Anger & Helping Young Worriers Beat The WorryBug. He co-wrote the WorryWoo Developing Emotional Intelligence Curriculum and is the author of Thriving at School and A Handbook for Happy Families. Dr. John began working with the WorryWoos over seven years ago and continues to spread social and emotional learning with the Woos throughout Australia.
About Dr. John Irvine PhD.

Free Parent Resources
Below are 5 great exercise to help get Social and Emotional Learning started in your home. These pages are taken from Dr. John's WorryWoo Companion Book, Helping Young Worriers Beat the WorryBug and Helping Young Children Manage Frustration and Anger,. Looking for more resources? Visit our WorryWoo FREE Resource Page.